Albums list layouts

Unlimited number of columns. Changeable column min. width and gaps between albums. Wide albums are available.


Unlimited number of columns. Changeable column min. width and gaps between albums. Wide albums are available.

Justified grid

Changeable row target height and gaps between images.

Albums list width
Content width
Content width & sidebar
Full width
Content area
Disabled (default)
Before albums

Only on the first page or on all pages.

After albums

Only on the first page or on all pages.

Under image

Optional background under projects. Content alignment setting. Image hover background color setting.

On colored background

Image hover background color setting. 4 hover animation effects.

On dark gradient

Visibility: on hover or always visible.

In the bottom

Visibility: on hover or always visible.

Loading animation
Fade in
Move up
Scale up
Fall perspective
Loading mode
AJAX pagination
„Load more” button
Lazy loading
Standard (no AJAX)
Albums list settings

Albums titles: show / hide
Albums excerpts: show / hide
Image miniatures: show / hide
Choose albums categories
Choose number of albums to show on one page
Albums categories: show / hide
Albums date: show / hide
Albums author: show / hide
Album comments: show / hide

Number of images & videos: show / hide
Albums categories filter: show / hide
Name / date ordering filter: show / hide
Asc. / desc. ordering filter: show / hide
Order albums: asc. / desc.
Order albums by: name / date
Sidebar & footer settings
Optional fancy title or slideshow in header

How to open an album

In lightbox

Separate page

Photos on album page


Number of columns, optional first big image.


Slideshow proportions settings.



Options are described below.

PhotoScroller settings

Optional text area below scroller
Background colour
Inactive images transparency (in %)
Optional pixel overlay
Top, bottom & side paddings

Thumbnails size & display settings
Autoplay speed
Fill & Fit options
Slide maximum width (in %)